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The Kelly Heim Collection

Tiger (2001)

The Wanderer (1999)

Shadow (1999)

Apollette (1999)

Postal (1999)

The Poetry Room (2003)

Lucifer #67 (1999)

Puck's Muse (2001)

Memoir (2003)

Three (2003)

Antithesis (2003)

Victoria (1999)

Sandman (1999)

The Passion (2003)

Lion's Drama (1999)

The Australian (2001)

The River (1999)

Convergence (2003)

The Frog (1999)

Kelly Heim is an artist and scholar in northern New England who began Mercury Cards to inspire the preservation of the lost art of letter writing using traditional media. In addition to cards, stationery and prints, original artwork is available on the web.


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